%%% If you want the math to be less tight, then set the letterspacing. %%% The standard is 0. You can also set the letterspacing for each of %%% these fonts individualy in the files extrmt*. A value of 50 gives %%% a result close to the original mathtime fonts. I prefer a much smaller %%% value. %%% %\setint{letterspacing{50


%% %% The following scales down the Stone Serif fonts %% \installfonts \installfamily{OT1{zstmtt{ \installfamily{OML{zstmtt{\skewchar\font=127 \installfamily{OMS{zstmtt{ \installfont{zstmtmr {pstr0 scaled 900,latin,unsettmr,kernoff,mtmi,mtsy,extrmtmr {OT1{OT1{zstmtt{m{n{ \installfont{zstmtmi {mtmi,unsettmi,pstri0 scaled 900,mtsy,unsetnum,pstr0 scaled 900,stonemti {OMLz{OML{zstmtt{m{it{ %%% If you prefer old style numerals from cmmi10 uncomment the above 3 %%% lines and use the following: % \installfont{zstmtmi % {mtmi,unsettmi,ptmri0 scaled 900,mtsy,cmmi10,stonemti % {OMLz{OML{zstmtt{m{it{ \installfont{zstmtsy {mtsy,pstr0 scaled 900,unsetal1,pzcmi0 scaled 1124,extrmtsy {OMS{OMS{zstmtt{m{n{ %%%% \installfont{zstmtmb {psts0 scaled 900,psyr,latin,unsettmb,kernoff,cmbx10 {OT1{OT1{zstmtt{b{n{ \installfont{zstmtmbi {kernoff,cmmib10,kernon,unsetal2,pstsi0 scaled 900,mtsy,mtmi,stonemtb {OMLz{OML{zstmtt{b{it{ \installfont{zstmtbsy {cmbsy10,unsetal1,pzcmi0 scaled 1124,extrmtsy {OMS{OMS{zstmtt{b{n{


%% %% The following scales up the mathtime fonts %% %\installfonts % \installfamily{OT1{zstmtt{ % \installfamily{OML{zstmtt{\skewchar\font=127 % \installfamily{OMS{zstmtt{ % \installfont{zstmtmr % {pstr0,latin,unsettmr,kernoff,mtmi scaled 1111,mtsy scaled 1111,extrmtmr % {OT1{OT1{zstmtt{m{n{ % \installfont{zstmtmi % {mtmi scaled 1111,unsettmi,pstri0,mtsy scaled 1111,unsetnum,pstr0,stonemti % {OMLz{OML{zstmtt{m{it{ %%% If you prefer old style numerals from cmmi10 uncomment the above 3 %%% lines and use the following: %% \installfont{zstmtmi %% {mtmi scaled 1111,unsettmi,ptmri0,mtsy scaled 1111,cmmi10,stonemti %% {OMLz{OML{zstmtt{m{it{ % \installfont{zstmtsy % {mtsy scaled 1111,pstr0,unsetal1,pzcmi0 scaled 1249,extrmtsy % {OMS{OMS{zstmtt{m{n{ %\endinstallfonts


This document was generated on August 23, 2022 using texi2html 5.0.